Navigation: DCP or SCP > Online Payments > Setup > Merchants
Each merchant is associated with a merchant processing account (most schools have one, but if you need additional accounts, please contact your client service representative). K-12 Online will assist in entering a payment gateway and integrating it into the merchant account. Each Merchant can be associated with one webstore. Only one merchant can be associated with tuition.
In the Merchant Manager, you will be able to:
- Add new merchants and edit existing merchants
- Change the status of the merchant (suggested when you want to "close" the Webstore)
- Delete merchants
You will also be able to access the following features:

Adding a New Merchant:
- Click on the blue box in the top left corner labeled, "Add New Merchant."
- Complete the page content for your merchant.
Merchant Name: The name of your merchant for internal purposes
Merchant Label Name: The name of the merchant that will appear in the parent portal
Merchant Email: The e-mail of the person responsible for receiving webstore notifications
"Parent Pay" Registration checkbox: Check if parents will be responsible for registration payment rather than school
Available to Webstore checkbox: Check if merchant will be used for webstore
Available to Tuition: Check if merchant will be used for tuition. (Only one merchant can be assigned to tuition)
Merchant Homepage Content: Content that will appear above all of your sale-able items. Default content can be edited.
Merchant Payment Success Content: Content that will be displayed to customers following the succession of his/her payment
Merchant Payment Failure Content: Content that will be displayed to customers following the failure of his/her payment
Merchant Shopping Cart Content: Content that will be displayed in the shopping cart of the customer
Merchant Order Receipt Content: Content that will be displayed on the receipt customers will receive after a purchase
3. Click submit to add the merchant.
Changing the Status of the Merchant
If you would like to temporarily close the Webstore, the best practice would be to make the merchant "Inactive." You can do so by simply clicking the dropdown in the Status column.